IBR Sistemi was established in 1998 as a software house specialising in virtual reality in the marine simulation sector.
IBR provides expertise in fast and high manoeuvring boats simulation, and has developed its knowledge in this sector thanks to cooperation with navies, research institutes, shipyards and on-board systems manufacturers.
JTTS joint tactical theatre simulation
Developed for military and civilian maritime industry and research, JTTS is a next-generation advanced naval scenario simulator.
The simulator provides a wide-range of training scenarios and scalable software/hardware architecture, from desktop trainer to full mission bridge simulator with complete real scale mock-ups.
JTTS is a cost-effective networked agile solution. The JTTS can assist with:
- Research and training requirements for complex littoral zone operations
- Anti-access
- Intelligence
- Surveillance and reconnaissance
- Homeland defence
- Maritime intercept
- Anti-smuggling
- Anti-piracy
- Immigration law enforcement
- Rescue operations and logistics threats.
JTTS simulates interaction between different kind of forces (real or simulated), in order to train officers in the planning, controlling and execution of wide-area operations with sea, ground and air forces.
The new and improved core physics module focuses on high-speed vessels (70 knot), OPVs, IPVs, corvette, fast attack craft, torpedo and missile boats, designed for coastal defence duties (2000 tons), operated by nation’s navy, coast guard, or police force, and may be equally used for marine (blue water) and/or estuarine or river (brown water) environments.
The new warfare simulation module integrates different modular combat systems for all weather conditions, in both day and night.
The warfare simulation module allows access to a number of tactical scenarios and platforms, with a range of several weapons, countermeasures and sensors.
The system simulates potential combat scenarios and can be used for parallel, competitive or cooperative training.
Radar simulation
The RadEngine software module re-creates radio wave propagation and scans the 3D virtual scenario generate a digital antenna signal.
Simulator boards are available for both digital and analogue real devices.
The RadSim software module reproduces the graphical user interfaces (GUI) and functionalities of most radars.
Simulator sensors and effectors
IBR provides sensor and effectors simulation for complex scenarios tactical training for:
- Radars
- Binocular,
- Diver detection sonar
- Human eye
- Daylight camera
- EOD (image intensification, active illumination, thermal imaging)
- Laser range finder
- Non-lethal weapons
- Long-range acoustic device
- Dazzler
- Laser-induced plasma channel
- Active / passive acoustic barrier
- Anti-air missile
- Anti-ship / coastal attack missile
- Small / medium naval gun fire system
- Remotely operated weapon station
- Rocket launcher
- Small arms and naval mines
IBR also provides detailed 3D databases of geographic areas as simulation theatres, as well as training, application development and support services, project management, custom 3D environment / object designers and visual system designers.
Services are mainly finalised to support customers development team to integrate in their projects our techniques and products.
Viewing systems
IBR provides the design, delivery and support of advanced systems and devices such as 3D stereoscopic displays, cylindrical projections and sensors.