This latest issue of Global Defence Technology once more brings you all the insight and analysis into the technologies, policies, and influencing factors in the defence space.

The growth of the global surface vessel market in recent years has been driven by a number of factors, such as fleet recapitalisation as well as the need (depending on which sides of the fence one sits on) to limit to maximise China’s ambitions in the South and East China seas.

While attention centres on the development of big-ticket items such as aircraft carriers, it is the humble OPV and corvette that will be tasked with most littoral maritime security operations, in this region and beyond.

Elsewhere, in the air domain the tripartite development of the GCAP programme is seeing the UK, Italy, and Japan attempt to what few can and develop a true next-generation fighter platform, potentially up to the vaunted sixth generation of air combat aircraft.

Whether you are desktop, tablet, or smartphone, you can read the magazine for free online.

Also don’t miss out on the latest insight from our team on the war in Ukraine, including an exclusive interview with Lord Hannay discusses a UK House of Lords European Affairs Committee report into the UK-EU reaction to Russia’s invasion of its neighbour.

In addition, Australia’s REDSPICE initiative will bring resources to deal with cyber threats, including AI enabled bad actors, but staffing the commitment to cybersecurity will have to overcome hurdles

For all this and more, on sea and in the air, read on and follow the latest developments @DefenceTech_Mag.