
BMT Defence Services (BMT), a subsidiary of BMT Group, is proud to launch two innovative, new platform design concepts at DSEI 2013. Both the BMT Venator® – 110 multimission reconfigurable warship and the Vidar®-7 small modern SSK submarine have been developed to deliver maximum capability, flexibility and longevity within the limitations of current fiscal constraints. BMT has leveraged its unparalleled naval design capability to produce platforms that will offer maximum whole-life effectiveness and value for money by balancing buildability, survivability and performance.

The BMT Venator-110 multimission reconfigurable warship concept offers flexibility by balancing a range of capability options within design constraints to deliver an affordable multi-functional warship. In order to fulfil roles as diverse as maritime security, international engagement and warfighting, BMT used a systems engineering approach to the whole ship design in order to map capability and evaluate how equipment, function and capability trade-offs impact on whole ship design parameters and operational effectiveness.

The BMT Venator-110 provides a platform with capability enhancement options for added future flexibility. Its hullform was developed for open ocean performance, with the ability to support reconfigurable top side arrangements. Modular mission systems are used to affordably reconfigure the ship depending on role requirements and the need to respond to changing threats. The patrol ship and patrol frigate versions of the BMT Venator-110 design show how an intelligent design can support a change in mission modules for mission re-role through simple understanding of operational requirements and equipment integration.

With a surfaced displacement of 700t, the BMT Vidar-7 small modern SSK concept has been developed to deliver sovereign capability at an affordable whole-life cost. Specifically designed to cover a multitude of covert roles in the current, challenging economic conditions, the BMT Vidar-7 is an affordable design that takes advantage of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) and military off-the-shelf (MOTS) technology to maximise availability, radius of operation, mission endurance, flexibility, payload capacity and stealth. Maximising survivability and improved resilience to weapon effects is enabled by a double hull cross section designed for Target Echo Strength reduction.

The design philosophy behind the BMT Vidar-7 places considerable emphasis on minimising the overall cost of ownership, including production and through life support. This latest addition to the BMT Vidar range provides a flexible solution covering the full spectrum of demanding roles from ASW, ASuW, ISR, and special forces, to training, coastguard, anti-piracy and land strike operation. Multimission capability and submarine re-role is achieved through reconfigurable internal and external spaces to suit customer needs.