
Hydroacoustics (HAI) will display its diver interdiction
system (DIS) and remote operated vehicles at the
MAST America Defence Conference.

The DIS neutralises the threat posed by an underwater swimmer on a mission of destruction. The DIS uses non lethal air gun technology to force a terrorist diver that may be attacking high value underwater assets to the surface. The DIS is a great compliment to diver detection systems (DDS) in that it adds a deterrent layer to help round out a defence system.

Diver interdiction systems are available in both stationary as well as mobile configurations. HAI remote operated vehicles are unique as they are battery operated and use very strong yet light in weight tethers. This makes HAI ROV’s very mobile and can be operated in remote regions with no other electric power required.

HAI can be found at booth number 37 directly outside the lunch and refreshment lounge.

MAST Americas will take place at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Washington DC between Tuesday 22 and Thursday 24 June 2010.