Two Australian companies, Acacia Systems and Thomas Global Systems, have been subcontracted by Safran Electronics to support the Royal Australian Navy’s Attack class submarines.

The companies will design critical subsystems, such as the optronics search and attack, navigation radar, and navigation data distribution systems.

Acacia Systems is responsible for the supply of prototypes and interface simulators under the award.

Lockheed Martin Australia will use these subsystems to perform activities such as testing and validation of the combat system in its Combat System Architecture Laboratory in Adelaide.

Thomas Global Systems will design processing hardware for the optronics masts, navigation radar and navigation data distribution systems.

Australian Minister for Defence Linda Reynolds said: “I am proud of this government’s commitment to build 12 Attack class submarines here in Australia, with Australian steel, by Australian workers.

“We remain firmly committed to maximising local industry involvement in this nationally significant programme, which will deliver a regionally superior capability for our navy.”

The Attack-class submarines programme is on track towards detailed design and the fleet construction.

The vessels will be delivered as part of the $50bn SEA 1000 Future Submarine programme.

To be built by Naval Group at Osborne Naval Shipyard, the Attack-class submarines will replace the Collins-class submarines.

The first submarine is expected to enter service in the early 2030s.

Australia Minister for Defence Industry Melissa Price said: “These contracts are building Australian industry capability while also involving Australian industries and their workers in the delivery of the Attack-class submarine.

“Our $50bn investment in this programme will create 2,800 Australian jobs and ensure small businesses play an essential role in this programme for decades to come.”