The US Navy’s third Spearhead-class joint high-speed vessel (JHSV), USNS Millinocket (JHSV 3) has successfully completed acceptance sea trials at Austal USA shipyard in Mobile, Alabama, US.

During the testing, which involved thorough in-port and at-sea testing for the ship, the ship demonstrated all systems to ensure its readiness for delivery while meeting all contractual requirements.

Strategic and Theater Sealift programme manager, captain Henry Stevens said: "The trials brought up no major issues, and we are on track to progress towards delivery."

The 338ft-long aluminum catamaran has been designed to support a wide range of operations including manoeuvre and sustainment, relief operations in small or damaged ports, flexible logistics support, or as the key enabler for rapid transport.

"The trials brought up no major issues, and we are on track to progress towards delivery."

Military commanders will also use the vessel for supporting overseas contingency operations, conducting humanitarian assistance, supporting special operations forces and supporting emerging joint sea-basing concepts.

Ideal for fast, intra-theatre transportation of troops, military vehicles, supplies and equipment, the ships can transport 600 short tons 1,200nm at an average speed of 35k and can operate in austere ports and waterways with added mobility and flexibility for US forces.

The aviation flight deck of the JHSVs support day and night air vehicle launch and recovery operations while an off-load ramp that allows for quick vehicular access to and from the ship as well as access to austere piers and quay walls.

Capable of accommodating a crew of 21, USNS Millinocket is the first naval vessel to be named in honour of Millinocket, Maine, US.

Image: Austal floats out USNS Millinocket at its facility. Photo: courtesy of Austal.

Defence Technology