USNS Trenton

The US Navy is set to christen its new joint high-speed vessel (JHSV) as USNS Trenton at Austal’s shipyard in Mobile, Alabama, US, on 10 January.

US Navy Secretary Ray Mabus said: "This ship represents the hard-working men and women of New Jersey and the importance of the American cities along the Delaware River.

"The USNS Trenton will carry these values and this spirit around the world.

"It is tailor-made for our 21st century operations and maritime security missions, from the wide expanses of the Pacific to the littorals of Africa."

The 338ft-long USNS Trenton, which will be the fourth vessel to have the name, is currently under construction and can be deployed for fast, intra-theatre transportation of troops, military vehicles, supplies and equipment.

"This ship represents the hard-working men and women of New Jersey and the importance of the American cities along the Delaware River."

JHSVs can transport 600 short tons 1,200nm at an average speed of 35k. They can accommodate 104 personnel and include airline-style seating for 312 members.

With 20,000ft² open-mission and flight decks, JHSVs will support day and night launch and recovery missions.

They can be deployed for a range of operations, including overseas contingency missions, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, and support for special operations forces and emerging joint sea-basing concepts.

USNS Trenton will be operated by the navy’s military sealift command with a core crew of 22 civilian mariners and military mission personnel boarding whenever required.

Image: The future USNS Trenton at Austal shipyard. Photo: courtesy of the US Navy.