The US Navy has successfully tested Raytheon’s software for the new air and missile defence radar (AMDR), which tracked a simulated anti-air warfare (AAW) target.

The AMDR’s first software build successfully detected the approaching AAW target and efficiently tracked its course through data and feedback from the radar.

AMDR programme manager PEO IWS 2.0, US Navy captain Doug Small said: "Our navy team plays an integral role in the agile development process, promoting an exceptional level of collaboration and transparency, from programme planning through every phase of execution.

"Our navy team plays an integral role in the agile development process, promoting an exceptional level of collaboration and transparency."

"We’re seeing the programme progress continually and the capabilities of this complex radar mature, evolve and deliver.

"The programme remains on track and focused on providing to our sailors this essential capability in the FY16 DDG-51 Flight III."

The software build also involved ballistic missile search and initial-track, together with other operational functionality, including start-up / shut-down and the initial framework to sustain hardware integration.

The AMDR uses gallium nitride (GaN) technology to optimise power within a smaller size, and consumes less space, with reduced power and cooling demands.

Designed for high availability and reliability, the next-generation AMDR aims to provide better capability and performance than SPY-1.

Raytheon AMDR programme manager Tad Dickenson said: "Realising the benefits of best practices and the talent and expertise of our team, the programme continues to advance toward targeted radar delivery for the first DDG 51 Flight III ship in 2019."

Defence Technology