HMS Penzance

The UK Royal Navy’s HMS Penzance has successfully assessed the defence capabilities of navies protecting Persian Gulf oil platforms.

The minehunter vessel joined US and Iraqi warships, as well as an Apache gunship, in a simulated pirate attack at the northern tip of the Gulf near the Al Basrah oil terminal, which is one of two off the Al Faw Peninsula and is used by tankers from across the world.

As part of the exercise, HMS Penzance attacked the support ship RFA Cardigan Bay.

The Royal Navy protected the terminals for almost a decade while the Iraqi Navy was strengthened.

"It was a great success, with capabilities proven and relationships strengthened."

Royal Navy commander Tim Davey said: "The maritime protection exercise is just one part of our operations, which aim to maintain safety and stability in the region, working closely with our partners in the Gulf.

"All in all, it was a great success, with capabilities proven and relationships strengthened."

Iraqi military forces regularly carry out exercises to ensure the terminals are adequately protected.

Image: HMS Penzance was joined by US and Iraqi warships, as well as an Apache gunship. Photo: courtesy of the UK Royal Navy.