Lynx Mk88A helicopter

The German Ministry of Defence (MoD) has contracted Selex ES to develop and deliver Titan 385ES-HD enhanced stability high-definition turrets in support of the German Navy (Deutsche Marine) Sea Lynx Mk88A helicopters.

Under the €5m contract, Selex will deliver the turrets for installation onboard Sea Lynx Mk88A helicopters to enhance surveillance capabilities at night and in poor visibility conditions for German Navy pilots.

Selex ES Optronics & Communication Systems marketing vice-president Mark Byfield said: "The stabilised, high-definition image that the Titan provides can really give crews an edge when it comes to situational awareness."

Combining high-performance sensors into a single line replaceable unit (LRU) solution, the Titan 385ES multi-sensor turret system is designed to meet current operational airborne observation, surveillance and reconnaissance requirements.

The turret payload comprises a cooled, high-definition thermal imaging camera, in addition to cameras for uncooled thermal imaging camera and low-level light.

"The stabilised, high-definition image that the Titan provides can really give crews an edge when it comes to situational awareness."

Fitted with an embedded auto-tracker, Titan 385ES is capable of operating on any of the imaging sensor channels, and can provide forward-looking IR capabilities for the Lynx helicopter.

The German Navy is currently upgrading seven Lynx Mk88A helicopters to naval Super Lynx, which are capable of conducting anti-surface warfare, anti-submarine warfare, search-and-rescue and utility operations.

Each helicopter features an L-3 Communications AN/AQS-18 active dipping sonar, Sea Skua all-weather anti-ship missile, and Seaspray Mark 3000 alongside accommodating a range of depth charges.

Selex is scheduled to deliver the first 385ES-HD turret to the navy later this year.

Image: A German Navy’s Lynx Mk88A helicopter stationed at a base. Photo: courtesy of Pajx.

Defence Technology