
Russia has entered into an agreement to deliver 46 Kamov Ka-52K, a navalised derivative of the Ka-52 Alligator reconnaissance and attack helicopter, to the Egyptian Navy.

The agreement was signed through Russia’s state arms exporter, Rosoboronexport, and is part of a deal secured with the firm in 2015.

JSC Russian Helicopters holding company director general Alexander Mikheyev said that the company was able to sign several multi-million orders, despite sanctions against the country.

Mikheyev said: "In this knotty situation, we’ve managed to keep up the financial parameters reached previously and to broaden the presence of Russian helicopter technologies in the world market."

"Egypt intends to purchase ship-based Kamov Ka-52K Katran helicopters, and is now deciding how many it will order."

Egypt expects to receive 50 Russian Ka-52 helicopters over a period of three years, with deliveries starting in 2016.

The helicopters will be fitted with the new OES-52 optoelectronic targeting system, developed by the Precision Instrument-Manufacturing Systems Corporation.

The OES-52 technology will enable launching of the Vikhr and Ataka missiles with laser target direction systems.

A source associated with military and technical cooperation with foreign states was quoted by TASS as saying: "Egypt intends to purchase ship-based Kamov Ka-52K Katran helicopters for the Mistral-class ships and is now deciding how many it will order."

In October, Egypt entered into a contract with France to purchase two Mistral-class amphibious assault ships, which were built for Russia.

Last year, France called off a contract worth $1.28bn to deliver Mistral warships following the Russian annexation of Crimea.

In a separate development, Russian state technologies corporation Rostec, associated with Russian Helicopters had secured a deal with India to construct 200 Ka-226T helicopters.

The deal also involves providing technical support, maintenance, operation and repair of the helicopters.

Image: Kamov Ka-52 Alligator. Photo: courtesy of Vlsergey.