Raytheon has successfully completed test-firing of its precision extended range munition (PERM) guided projectiles from the US Marine Corps’ (USMC) M327 120mm rifled towed mortar.

During the tests, the GPS-guided rounds met the test objectives, flying the required range and successfully capturing targets, further validating their functionality and performance.

"The GPS-guided rounds met the test objectives, flying the required range and successfully capturing targets."

Raytheon Advanced Missile Systems vice-president Dr Tom Bussing said: "These firings, combined with earlier environmental lab and integration tests, demonstrate PERM’s maturity.

"The testing also shows the high level of integration between the munition’s guidance, navigation and control functions."

Developed by Raytheon and Israeli Military Industries, PERM aims to provide US Marines with all-weather, ground-based close support and immediate responsive and indirect-fire capabilities for the USMC air-to-ground task force.

Claimed to be the primary weapon system of the USMC’s Expeditionary Fire Support System team, the PERM comes with extended range mortar capabilities for enemy artillery and command and control centres, in addition to other targets.

The munition plays a vital role in the Marine Corps’ close support, all weather, quick response indirect fire Expeditionary Fire Support System.

Last year, Raytheon successfully completed the first two guide-to-hit test series of the PERM.

Approximately 42 PERM rounds are expected to be delivered to the USMC for additional testing by the end of this year.

Defence Technology