Raytheon has installed the Cobra Judy Replacement (CJR) programme’s X and S-band antennas onboard the USNS Howard O Lorenzen (T-AGM 25) at Kiewit Offshore Services (KOS), Texas, US.

The company is the prime contractor for the CJR programme, which aims to provide the US Government with long-loiter ballistic missile data collection capability.

The dual-band radar suite consists of X and S-band phased-array sensors, a common radar suite controller and other related mission equipment.

While Raytheon is the prime contractor, the industry team includes Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems, General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies, VT Halter Marine and KOS.

Work will be performed at the company’s facility at Massachusetts, Northrop facility in Maryland and at KOS, Texas, US.

The T-AGM 25 ship was built by VT Halter Marine, Pascagoula, Missisipi for the US Navy and was slated to replace the USNS Observation Island (T-AGM-23).