Northrop Grumman is bidding for the US Marine Corps (USMC) Common Aviation Command and Control System (CAC2S) development and integration phase to modernise the marine air command and control.

The company’s offering will modernise communications, processing and display systems and also integrates critical sensor and data communication capabilities such as Link 16, the Composite Tracking Network and AN/TPS-59 and AN/TPS-63 radars, as a part of the programme.

"Our CAC2S variants for the Direct Air Support Center and the Tactical Air Operations Center are designed to be set up and fully configured in 40 minutes or less."

Northrop Grumman Information Systems integrated command, control, communications and intelligence systems vice president Pat Camacho said: "All core electronics components are integrated on Humvee platforms and preconfigured with data and communications capability between the operations centre and antenna hill."

The CAC2S will replace legacy systems, which features a common, open, modular, scalable design.

"Our CAC2S variants for the Direct Air Support Center and the Tactical Air Operations Center are designed to be set up and fully configured in 40 minutes or less," Camacho added.

The proposed CAC2S solution features TYQ-23 air command and control (C2) software, real-time track management software with customisable track prioritisation capability, as well as advanced simulation and combat operational mission and training tools.

Capable of providing offline training during live operations and distributed training and simulation, the system also features rugged packaging to provide self-contained thermal, shock, vibration, environmental and electromagnetic interference hardening.

The system design significantly reduces weight and fuel consumption, while the components can be equipped without the need for further modifications.