The Netherlands Ministry of Defence (MoD) has resumed deliveries of the final seven NH90 helicopters, following a new agreement with the manufacturer, Netherlands Defence Minister Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert has said.

NHIndustries has agreed to fix issues with wear and corrosion, which had caused the suspension of deliveries in June.

"The MoD’s NH90 implementation programme had been hit with excessive corrosion issues."

As part of the deal, the aircraft manufacturer will pay for expenses involved in the development of modifications, patch ups for corrosion damage and scheming preventative measures, according to the Netherlands MoD.

The MoD’s NH90 implementation programme had been hit with excessive corrosion issues, with rectifications for 25 of 100 issues yet to be fixed during the scheduled maintenance of an NH90.

The aircraft will be deployed for training, education and exercises, and will then be assessed during a major maintenance period.

The agreement also establishes the process of dealing with issues in the future, including solutions for newly discovered corrosion issues.