MBDA-built CVS302 Hoplite missiles

MBDA has introduced the CVS302 Hoplite, a new missile developed to provide indirect precision attack capabilities in 2035 and beyond for land and naval artillery, at the ongoing Paris International Air Show 2013.

Developed under MBDA’s annual concept visions projects, the new CVS302 Hoplite is a one shot one kill precision system and is capable of simplifying operations with reduced collateral damage risk and mission cost.

Featuring a mission control system, the Hoplite is expected to provide fire support capabilities to the military by travelling disputed airspaces quickly and safely, while closely coordinating salvo firings.

Hoplite-S and Hoplite- L, the two missile variants of Hoplite system, can fly 70km at low-altitude in less than two minutes or to altitudes of 160km in four minutes under clear conditions.

The 3.2m-long, 120kg utility missile, Hoplite-S features versatile spot-scanning ladar seeker to provide SAL detection and aim-point refinement as well as a one-way datalink (receiver) to enable mission updates and re-tasking.

The missile, which is either 3rd party designated or attacks on coordinates, can be used in more complex scenarios with targeting assistance from Hoplite-L.

"The Hoplite-L missile is fitted with a multi-mode seeker to enable passive and active 3D imaging."

Designed for complex, isolated engagements that require operator in the loop (OITL) capability, the 3.75m, 135kg Hoplite-L missile is fitted with a multi-mode seeker to enable passive and active 3D imaging.

Capable of decelerating to subsonic speeds to provide OITL targeting time over its two-way datalink, the Hoplite-L missile uses its ladar channel to direct Hoplite-S in coordinated salvo attacks onto targets even in adverse weather, heavily cluttered scenes and countermeasures.

Both missiles can cruise at over Mach 2 using an air turbo rocket propulsion system, which also enables greater acceleration and deceleration when required.

Image: Illustration of MBDA-built CVS302 Hoplite missile. Photo: courtesy of Master Images/MBDA.

Defence Technology