Shurat HaDin Israel Law Centre has warned London-based mobile satellite company Inmarsat against supporting Iranian oil tankers and military vessels with satellite communication guidance services.

Inmarsat has been accused of guiding Iranian ships with continuous mobile satellite services, despite the recent decision by the US Treasury Department to impose additional sanctions on maritime vessels, which have been found supporting Iran’s nuclear weapons programme and global terrorist network.

In a letter, the centre warned Inmarsat that its alleged violation could lead to criminal prosecutions, as well as civil liability from US citizens and all those affected by Iran’s nuclear programme and alleged sponsorship of terrorism.

"It is a simple issue of justice: Inmarsat must uphold its legal obligations in compliance with US Treasury regulations and immediately cease its support for Iran."

Shurat HaDin’s director and civil rights activist Nitsana Darshan-Leitner said: "It is a simple issue of justice: Inmarsat must uphold its legal obligations in compliance with US Treasury regulations and immediately cease its support for Iran."

The letter also noted that such actions would result in loss of Inmarsat’s assets and financial penalties by all parties entitled to use judicial processes against the Islamic regime.

Inmarsat responded to the letter, denying the accusations of wrong-doing and stating that the company sought to abide by all sanctions, laws and regulations set by anyone on the US Office of Foreign Assets Control’s list of specially designated nationals.

Inmarsat was charged in June 2011 by the law centre in the US District Court in Miami for providing communication to the Mavi Marmara and other ships that were involved in violating Israel’s naval blockade of Gaza in May 2010.