Brazilian Navy operates one aircraft carrier

The Brazilian Navy has selected QinetiQ GRC’s Paramarine advanced marine design software in support of a high-speed offshore support vessel development programme, on behalf of Petrobras.

Brazilian Navy Centro de Projeto de Navios lieutenant commander Rafael Castelo Branco Goulart said that the Paramarine software has been purchased to support a vessel design that meets the requirements of offshore oil fields.

"The extensive and sophisticated capabilities of Paramarine, including its ease of use and fast manipulation and calculation of data, make it ideal for the design and certification of vessels," Goulart said.

Featuring integrated set of tools, the system has been designed to address concept design, performance prediction, strength and structures, radar cross section, powering, manoeuvring, endurance, sea-keeping, vulnerability and production design.

QinetiQ GRC managing director Vittorio Vagliani said: "The use of Paramarine to design a high-speed offshore support vessel builds on top of their recent selection of our software to support design work on a fleet of new Brazilian submarines."

"The extensive and sophisticated capabilities of Paramarine make it ideal for the design and certification of vessels."

The software is also being used by the UK Navy to design and analyse new submarines and warships, including the Type 45-class destroyer HMS Daring (D32) and the nuclear-powered, 97m-long HMS Astute submarine.

Based on Siemens PLM Parasolid solid modeller advanced design, the technology also provides geometric details required to enable accurate analytical capabilities.

Currently operating more than 100 ships, including those under construction, process of acquisition and modernisation, as well as five fully operational submarines, the Brazilian navy has plans to build a fleet of 11 submersibles, with six being new and the rest modernised in the near future.

Image: Brazilian Navy operates one aircraft carrier, Sao Paulo. Photo: courtesy of

Defence Technology