The Spanish Navy’s two Santa Maria Class frigates are to be fitted with Northrop Sperry Marine VisionMaster FT navalised radars.

Under the contract, Northrop’s new-generation radars will replace the existing radar sets.

The upgraded naval radar features include dual-radar input, 600kt target tracking capability, CCTV interface and stabilised sector transmission.

The equipment would be supplied by Aeromarine, which is responsible for installation and technical support for integration with the ships’ MK-92 combat systems.

Northrop Sperry Marine vice-president J Nolasco DaCunha said the new radars had been supplied to more than 20 Spanish navy ships, including the new class of maritime action ships and the Juan Carlos I amphibious assault ship.

“We are currently working to integrate the radars on these platforms with the Spanish Navy’s newly developed SCOMBA (sistema de combate de los buques de la armada) combat management system,” he said.