The US Navy Chief of Naval Operations has taken delivery of the E-2D Advanced Hawkeye, the navy’s new airborne early warning and control aircraft.

The E-2D Advanced Hawkeye with its newly developed AN/APY-9 radar will work with surface combatants, equipped with the Aegis combat system, to detect, track and defeat cruise missile threats at extended range.

A new rotodome provides a continuous 360° scanning capability with an electronically scanned array that allows the operator to focus the radar on selected areas.

The first navy squadron to operate the E-2D Advanced Hawkeye is the airborne early warning squadron (VAW-120).

The Greyhawks, the navy’s fleet replacement squadron (FRS), will train pilots and naval flight officers to fly and operate the system.

Northrop Aerospace Systems president Gary Ervin said the E-2Ds systems would help the navy to manage the complex, modern battlespace and emerging threats.