Northrop Grumman will procure long-lead materials for the US Navy’s second newest class of large-deck amphibious assault ship, LHA 7.

Under the $175m contract, the company will procure long-lead-time materials and major equipment for the vessel including the main reduction gears to perform initial design and planning.

The 844ft-long, 406ft-wide LHA 7 has a displacement capacity of 44,854t, and can accommodate 1,204 crew and 1,871 troops.

The ship can cruise at a speed in excess of 22kt.

LHA 7 provides increased aviation fuel capacity, stowage for aviation parts and support equipment as well as aircraft maintenance facilities.

The vessel has the capability to launch the MV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft, cargo and attack helicopters, and the short take-off vertical landing variant F-35B Lightning II strike fighter.

The contract has options which if exercised could bring the value to $193m and the work will be carried out at the company’s facilities on the Gulf Coast.