The Russian Navy will deploy its Severomorsk destroyer for the Frukus-2010 international naval exercise, along with Naro warships, in the North Atlantic from 22-25 July, according to a Russian military spokesman.

During the annual exercise, warships from France, Russia, the UK and the US will practise anti-terrorism missions and joint manoeuvres in an effort to enhance interoperability for future joint operations under the UN mandate, according to RIA Novosti.

The Severomorsk destroyer will make a port call at the UK port of Plymouth on 19-22 July.

Severomorsk is an Udaloy Class missile destroyer, equipped with anti-ship missiles, 30mm and 100mm guns, and two Ka-27 Helix helicopters.

In 2009, Severomorsk participated in Frukus naval drills with the French Tourville frigate, the US’s Klakring missile frigate and the UK’s York destroyer.