The Australian Defence Force (ADF) has completed a multilateral exercise codenamed Bersama Shield 2010 (BS10) on the Malaysian peninsula and in the South China Sea.

BS10 is an annual combined land, air and maritime exercise between Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, New Zealand and the UK and is part of the Five Power Defence Arrangements (FPDA) exercise established in 1971.

Approximately 600 ADF personnel participated in the exercise, including the HMAS Anzac frigate and the HMAS Success replenishment oiler, eight FA/18F combat aircraft and an AP-3C Orion maritime control aircraft.

During the exercise, the ADF also demonstrated the air power and tactics of eight FA/18F Super Hornets under the command of the FPDA’s integrated area defence system.

Australian contingent Wing Commander Ken Robinson said the exercise helped ADF to develop relationships with important regional partners while reinforcing Australia’s long-term commitment to regional capacity building.