The US Navy has awarded a contract to BAE Systems for the development of a primary intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and targeting (ISR&T) system.

Under the $72m contract, the BAE-led team will upgrade the current variant of the Distributed Common Ground System-Navy (DCGS) and change it to an application-based system through the DCGS-N prime mission product.

DCGS-N integrates ISR&T support capabilities into a web-enabled, net-centric and interoperable enterprise while making the data visible, accessible and understandable across the services.

BAE Systems’ defence systems and solutions vice president John Jarman said the system enables the navy to exchange information and data across multiple security domains, warfare areas, environments and theatres.

The work will be carried out at BAE’s new command, control, communications, computing and intelligence development centres in San Diego and Charleston, South Carolina.

The BAE-led team includes General Dynamics, Sun Microsystems, Argon ST, Athena Consulting, MTCSC, Space Dynamics Laboratory and InVisM.