The United Arab Emirates Navy has awarded a contract to Finmeccanica to supply naval systems for two new Falaj 2 Class stealth patrol vessels.

Under the contract, Selex Sistemi Integrati will provide IPN-S command and control systems, NA 30S fire control systems, KRONOS 3D radar systems and SIR-M secondary radar systems.

The Finmeccanica company will also integrate the combat systems and a full stealth version of the Oto Melara 76/62 Super Rapid naval guns on to the Falaj 2 Class stealth patrol vessels.

In addition, SELEX Communications will supply a secure communications system including the voice communications component in HF and V/UHF frequencies and the data and messaging component.

The Fincantieri-built, 55m-long, 8.6m-wide Falaj 2 Class patrol boats can accommodate a crew complement of 28 and cruise at a maximum speed of 20kt.