The US Navy has awarded a contract to Vision Systems International (VSI) to provide night vision cueing and display (NVCD) units, including hardware and associated support equipment.

Under the $6.7m contract, the company will provide image intensified night vision with symbology insertion, which significantly enhances the capability of the joint helmet-mounted cueing system (JHMCS) for 24-hour operations.

The NVCD is a lightweight system that provides 40° field-of-view night vision capability when compared to the currently used aviator night vision goggles.

VSI president Drew Brugal said the warfighter depended on JHMCS to successfully execute air-to-air and air-to-ground tactical missions during daylight.

“The NVCD system expands this critical capability for night missions,” he said.

With the JHMCS, the pilot can accurately cue onboard weapons and sensors against enemy aircraft and ground targets without turning the aircraft.

The system provides ‘first look, first shot’ high off-boresight weapons engagement capabilities, while the critical information and symbology such like targeting cues and aircraft performance parameters are graphically displayed on the pilot’s visor.