Lockheed Martin has demonstrated a new littoral combat ship (LCS) concept, which will be adapted to handle the Aegis combat system, to a selection of Gulf counties.

The 3,000t stealth surface combat ship, intended for shallow water operations in littoral zones, will be equipped with the Spy 1 radar as well as the Aegis combat system to enhance the vessel’s surveillance capabilities.

Lockheed Martin international business director George Elghossain said the LCS vessel with Spy 1 sensor will provide long-range search and track, and cueing of missiles to intercept and destroy enemy threats.

“There have been discussions with the UAE Navy on this ship,” he said.

The surface combat ship will provide early warning of a missile launch and the capability to destroy missiles in the upper atmosphere using the theatre high-altitude area defence (THAAD) system or at lower altitude with the Patriot PAC3.

Gulf counties Lockheed is currently in negotiation with include Bahrain, Qatar and Saudi Arabia while the navies of Brazil, Japan and a number of other nations have also expressed interest in the ships.