The US Navy has awarded a $93m contract to Lockheed Martin to provide engineering support services for the AN/BVY-1 integrated submarine imaging system (ISIS).

The ISIS integrates digital video and still images from devices on a submarine and presents real-time imagery and analysis on crews’ existing control room tactical displays, thereby radically changing the surveillance capabilities of the submarine.

Under the contract, the company will provide design, development, testing, technology insertion / refreshment, production engineering, field engineering and system support services for ISIS.

Lockheed Martin Undersea Systems business vice president and general manager Denise Saiki said the ISIS allows the operator to manipulate a photonics mast with a joystick, while monitoring the digital video on the display and sharing it dynamically with the entire combat team on various displays aboard the submarine.

Lockheed has partnered with 3Phoenix, In-Depth Engineering Corporation and SONALYSTS to complete the contract.