The US Navy has awarded a $17m contract to Vision Systems International to provide fast characterisation tool (FACT) hardware, integration, and validation and software upgrades for the F/A-18 Joint Helmet Mounting Cueing Systems (JHMCS) for the Navy aircraft.

The JHMCS is a multi-role helmet system that enhances pilot situational awareness and provides head-out control of aircraft targeting systems and sensors.

The JHMCS has a magnetic helmet-mounted tracker, combined with a miniature display system that projects information onto the pilot’s visor, that can aim as a targeting device wherever the pilot is looking.

As per the contract the company will combine purchases for the US Navy and the Governments of Australia, Canada, Finland and Switzerland under the Foreign Military Sales Program.

Work will be carried out in San Jose, California and is expected to be complete by October 2014.

The Navy’s Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division, Lakehurst, New Jersey has awarded the contract.