The US Navy has awarded a $6.3m delivery order to aerospace and defence technology company Northrop Grumman for the navy’s network enterprise management system.

Under this order, the company will provide tactical switching increment II spiral B1 equipment at 2 regional network operations and security centres (RNOSCs) that includes programme management, configuration management, logistics, hardware and software updates, and configuration management, testing and on-site technical support.

The 2 RNOSCs in Hawaii and Virginia united three worldwide naval computer and telecommunications area master stations (NCTAMSs) and two naval computer and telecommunication stations (NCTSs).

This integration of five communications sites into two helps the navy to communicate with satellite termination sites around the world through the navy’s high-speed global ring (HSGR) communications network.

The effort will reduce the manpower and will streamline the technology acquisition process.

The work is expected to be complete by 15 March 2010 in San Diego.