Caspian Learning has launched Thinking Worlds, a 3D engine that will allow military personnel and contractors to develop their own finely-tuned training and education simulations.

The simulation tool can be deployed through secure defence intranet environments, allowing the user to create and deploy as many simulations as needed for use by any number of personnel, regardless of location.

The simulation device has already been used by the UK Ministry of Defence and the Defence College of Policing and Guarding. The college developed a 3D simulation in which military police were able to examine crime scenes, question military suspects and search property and people for effective seizure of evidence.

The Maritime Warfare School has also used the engine to create an advanced role playing simulation to teach new recruits processes linked to rounds inspections onboard a Type 23 frigate.

Caspian Learning chief executive Graeme Duncan said that Thinking Worlds heralds a new era for Immersive Learning Simulations within the defence sector.

“The defence sector has long since recognised that immersive simulations can motivate and engage trainees more effectively than some traditional training methods. It allows trainers, designers, contractors or subject matter experts to rapidly develop their own simulations for themselves,” Duncan said.

“Furthermore the simulations can be run on standard military hardware, in secure military infrastructures and distributed to where the learners are based.”

The simulation tool uses highly immersive 3D training simulations with inbuilt image libraries, game mechanics, problem solving tasks and interactivity templates.

By Daniel Garrun.