The Canadian government has awarded a contract to Ottawa based Engineering, Developing and Licensing Inc. to upgrade its combat LAV IIIs.

The LAV IIIs are state-of-the-art infantry transport vehicles, which provide defensive protection and firepower.

The contract, with an estimated value of approximately $68m, includes kits, modules, and spares for the supplemental armour for the LAV IIIs, as well as the repair and overhaul of their current modules and kits.

Minister of Public Works and Government Services, Christian Paradis said that the government was proud to use Canadian procurement companies.

Minister of National Defence, Gordon MacKay said that the government was committed to providing the best possible equipment for its troops.

“The added armour on the LAV III will allow our forces to conduct their duties in a safer vehicle,” said MacKay.

An additional contract an estimated value of $13.5m was also awarded to EODC to provide an improvised explosive device protection kit for the protection of the LAV IIIs. EODC is the only Canadian company that could provide this kit, as it owns the intellectual property rights.

By Daniel Garrun.