The first of the Royal Navy’s new powerful T45 Destroyers, HMS Daring, has completed a final set of successful contractor sea trials.

During the five-week trial, the 7,350t vessel successfully completed a full range of communications equipment testing.

Previous trials tested the speed and manoeuvrability of the vessel in varied conditions, as well as the art radar and missile systems. These further sea trials have reaffirmed her capability.

Minister for Defence Equipment and Support, Baroness Ann Taylor said that the type 45 Destroyers are the most advanced ships of their type in the world and will provide the backbone of the Royal Navy’s air defence.

“The combat system trials are vital, giving the Royal Navy confidence that the ship has the ability to defend against even the most sophisticated anti-ship missiles,” she said.

Alan Johnston, chief executive of BVT Surface Fleet, the joint venture between BAE Systems and VT Group that built the vessel, said: “the Daring is a great example of the core engineering skills that we possess in the UK maritime sector and will provide the Royal Navy with an outstanding capability for many years to come.”

HMS Daring possesses the fully integrated communications system (FICS) which is a state-of-the-art communications system, comprising satellite communications, high frequency and V/UHF capabilities via the ship’s own dedicated radio and communication plan management system.

The FICS was tested during the trials, with 30 or more operators using all aspects of the system from all over the ship simultaneously. This proved that FICS can seamlessly operate and manage a full range of communication frequencies, including a video conference via satellite between an at-sea and a land-based team.

The ship’s company also undertook a large number of familiarisation and training activities as part of preparations for the transfer of custody of the vessel from BVT to the Royal Navy, which is planned for December.

The second Type 45 destroyer, DAUNTLESS, is due to commence her first set of Stage 1 sea trials in early November.

By Daniel Garrun