General Dynamics (GD) Canada and Defence Research and Development Canada Atlantic (DRDC Atlantic) have completed a torpedo defence enhancement demonstration.

The successful multisensor torpedo detection classification and localisation (MSTDCL) technology demonstration programme (TDP) aims to increase the level of protection for Canadian Navy ships.

GD, the prime contractor, provided analysis, design, development, installation and support in the development of a prototype underwater warfare system called Pleiades.

The Pleiades system was used in realistic operational trials on several Halifax Class patrol frigates to respond to more than 100 live, unscripted torpedo firings.

GD Canada vice president of air and naval systems Brian Fava said, “Pleiades offers a low-cost, low-risk solution to immediately improve Halifax Class ships’ torpedo detection capabilities, reducing the risk to the Canadian fleet in hostile environments.”

The programme was initiated by DRDC Atlantic in 2006 to develop and demonstrate advanced concepts in multisensor automated torpedo warning for the Halifax Class patrol frigates.

DRDC Atlantic is planning to conduct further research in the development of new techniques for reliable auto-detection of torpedoes.