Raytheon has conducted the Phase II system requirements review (SRR) of the US Navy air and missile defence radar (AMDR) programme.

During the SRR, the company demonstrated how its mature design and architecture would meet AMDR’s requirements and displayed operational hardware from its AMDR pilot array.

The review establishes the company’s advancement to the system functional review, which will be held later this year.

Raytheon is currently developing a technology demonstrator for the system’s S-band radar and radar suite controller.

AMDR provides new capabilities for the US Navy Arleigh Burke Class destroyers and enables flexible deployment of highly effective missile defences wherever needed.

Work on the programme will be carried out at Raytheon IDS Headquarters, the Surveillance and Sensors Center, the Integrated Air Defense Center Massachusetts, and the Seapower Capability Center, Rhodes Island, US.

The company has also teamed with General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems and Gibbs & Cox in the concept development of the radar solution.