Negotiations between Russia and France on the purchase of Mistral Class helicopter carriers have stalled over issues related to transfer and licensed production of tactical systems, a Russian defence industry source has said.

France is against the transfer of technology with a production licence of the SENIT-9 naval tactical data system and SIC-21 fleet command system to Russia.

“The Russian side wants to get all advanced technologies together with the ship … and the future of the contract totally depends on whether France would agree to part with these systems,” the source added.

Russia has recently replaced its team of negotiators to change the course of negotiations.

The two countries had entered into an agreement to jointly build two Mistral Class helicopter carriers at STX shipyard in Saint-Nazaire, France, and the other two at Admiralty Shipyards in St Petersburg, Russia.

The French Mistral Class amphibious assault ship is capable of carrying 16 helicopters, four landing vessels, 70 armoured vehicles and 450 personnel, according to RIA Novosti.