South Korea is considering plans to deploy new frigates near Dokdo, south-east of Ulleungdo, Korea, to strengthen its sovereign control of the easternmost islets after Japan renewed its territorial claim, a government source has said.

“In the wake of Japan’s renewed claim to Dokdo … and as security threats in the East Sea take shape, there is a need to deploy the new frigates to Ulleung Island,” the source added.

The source also added that the country was “reviewing a plan to deploy the FFX frigates to Ulleung Island when the planned expansion of the port is completed,” the source said.

The first batch of 2,300t-2,500t frigates, under a naval FFX project, is scheduled to arrive next year and the friagets will be based in the revamped port on Ulleung Island near Dokdo.

About 20 new frigates will be deployed for anti-air and anti-submarine serviced by 2018, according to Yonhap News Agency.