The UK Royal Navy has released details of the first tranche of its redundancy programmes along with specific trades and branches and the number being sought from each area to its personnel.

The redundancy programme follows the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) announcement about reducing the number of navy personnel by 5,000 following last year’s strategic defence and security review (SDSR).

According to the SDSR, each service will run a number of redundancy tranches over the next four years with reductions planned to be fully achieved by April 2015.

The first tranche of redundancies for the navy will result in a total of 1,600 redundancies from across a variety of the naval service’s specialisations and branches.

Those being axed will include officers from the engineering, medical, warfare and logistics branches as well as junior ratings and senior ratings from a variety of branches.

UK Armed Forces Minister Nick Harvey said navy personnel would be informed through their chain of command regarding redundancy in the first tranche in September 2011.

The MoD will also ensure that personnel are fully prepared and supported for their transition.