Lockheed Martin has been awarded a firm-fixed-price and cost-plus-fixed-fee option exercise modification for the production and support of multifunction towed arrays (MFTA) for the AN/SQQ-89A(V)15 US Navy anti-submarine warfare combat systems.

Under the contract, the company will build MFTA that will replace the AN/SQR-19 tactical towed array system (TACTAS) in the SQQ-89.

The active and passive sonar sensor contributes to the surface ships capability to detect, localise and attack undersea threats.

The MFTA will be fitted aboard the newest navy Arleigh Burke Class destroyers (DDG 51), upgraded Ticonderoga Class cruisers (CG 47), and littoral combat ships.

Work will be performed at the company’s facilities in New York, Maryland, Ohio and Arizona, US, and is expected to be complete by January 2013.