Around 12 allied and partner nations have commenced Nato Allied Maritime Command’s (MARCOM) crisis response exercise, Dynamic Mariner 2022.

This exercise is being conducted in conjunction with the Turkish Navy’s exercise Mavi Balina 2022.

Both exercises are being held between 11 and 22 September from the Aksaz Naval Base in Marmaris, Muğla, Turkey.

MARCOM’s Dynamic Mariner exercise is intended to enhance the interoperability of participating forces while demonstrating the Nato’s Response Force Maritime Component (NRF/M).

It will also improve the flexibility and ability of the Nato forces to work together with the allied and partner countries.

The exercise involves the participation of around 1,500 personnel and marines from Turkey, the US, Belgium, France, Greece, Germany, Italy, Canada, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania and Spain.

Participating assets include five submarines, 50 surface vessels and five aircraft, including maritime patrol aircraft and helicopters.

Nato’s two active-duty standing naval forces, which are responsible for permanently supporting the alliance’s collective defence posture, will also take part in the drills.

The groups include Standing Nato Mine Countermeasures Group Two (SNMCMG2) and Standing Nato Maritime Group 2 (SNMG2).

As part of Dynamic Mariner-Mavi Balina exercises, the participants will undertake training to hone specific skillsets required for performing different naval warfare operations.

It includes anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface warfare, amphibious missions, hybrid operations, force protection operations and mine countermeasures.

MARCOM deputy commander and French Navy vice admiral Didier Piaton said: “Dynamic Mariner is an incredibly important large-scale maritime exercise.

“This year’s event includes more assets than ever before, facilitating increased interoperability between our nations and enhancing operational readiness.

“We continue to work closely with Turkey and other allies and partners to deter aggression and defend alliance.”