The U212 NFS programme is managed by Organisation Conjointe de Coopération en matière d’Armement (OCCAR).

Elettronica noted that the contract includes two suites for the first batch of platforms of the Italian Navy. It also includes an option for the construction of two additional units.

The company is already a provider of the EW equipment for the FREMM multi-mission frigate programme and Multipurpose Patrol Ship Programme (PPA). Both the programmes are also managed by OCCAR.

The EW suite designed for the Italian Navy U212 NFS submarines is said to be an advanced and innovative response to the underwater domain requirements.

This suite can perform self-protection, surveillance and intelligence tasks, granting high performances on the whole electromagnetic spectrum (EMS), from communication to radar bands.

Elettronica COO and CEO Domitilla Benigni said: “We are very proud to equip the Italian Navy U212 NFS Submarines, a high profile and performance asset encompassing the excellences of the National Industry for the benefit of the Italian Navy and its operational readiness.

“We are proud to enrich the versatility of this platform through an Electronic Warfare Suite, representing the ideal combination of experience, maturity and innovation, thus offering high performances on the entire communications and radar bands while ensuring excellent self-protection capabilities and wide Intelligence information gathering.”

The U212NFS acquisition programme builds on the U212A programme conducted in partnership with Germany-based thyssenkrupp Marine Systems.