BAE Systems and Lockheed Martin Skunk Works have conducted a test to demonstrate expeditionary warfare and battle management capabilities for the US Marine Corps (USMC).

The test involved integration of BAE Systems-built Amphibious Combat Vehicle Command, Control, Communication and Computers/Uncrewed Aerial Systems (ACV C4/UAS) variant with Lockheed Martin Skunk Works’ Stalker and Indago small UAS.

After the successful demonstration, the companies concluded that the two UAS are capable of providing long-endurance reconnaissance capabilities.

This ability can be used for supporting various expeditionary warfare and battle management operations performed by the USMC aboard ACV C4/UAS.

BAE Systems also performed contractor verification testing by integrating Stalker and Indago UAS with other technology suppliers. This marks a significant event in the ACV C4/UAS programme’s lifecycle.

In the next steps, the USMC will launch another series of tests under Advanced Reconnaissance Vehicle (ARV) programme to assess the capabilities and cost effectiveness of ACV C4/UAS as a government off-the-shelf (GOTS) solution.

BAE Systems ACV design and development programme manager Mark Brinkman said: “We are focused on giving Marines an advanced technology solution to meet their reconnaissance requirements.”

The UAS provided by Skunk Works are designed to undertake several complex missions, while ensuring minimal crew requirement and small operational footprint.

Meanwhile, ACV C4/UAS variant, a Mobile Systems Integration Lab, is built to showcase transformational technologies that USMC needs in future.

Skunk Works UAS and Attritable Systems director Jacob Johnson said: “Collaboration with our SOCOM and Marine Corps customers and industry partners has enabled rapid development of needed capabilities for warfighters – as exemplified through this partnership with BAE Systems.

“By integrating Stalker and Indago on BAE Systems’ ACV platform, we are delivering greater mission flexibility in a small form factor that supports USMC operations.”