The UK Royal Navy (RN) has awarded a contract to Babcock International to provide maritime communications electronic support measures (CESM) capability.

As part of the Ardent Wolf contract, the company will supply, equip and provide in-service support for the CESM for the RN’s Type 23 or Duke-class frigates.

In addition, Babcock will provide the associated repair and maintenance services, contractor logistics support, equipment installation, required updates, system and design safety as well as training support.

The latest six-year award builds on Babcock’s existing partnership with the UK RN, as a principal support partner for the Type 23 ships.

Babcock chief technology officer Dr Richard Drake said: “Babcock has a rich history of delivering specialist Communications support to the RN’s fleet and we are delighted to have been awarded the contract to deliver Ardent Wolf.

“Ardent Wolf will significantly enhance the RN’s CESM capability, and we’re proud to be delivering a robust, UK-developed solution which will act as a pathfinder for future Signal Intelligence programmes.”

The Duke-class fleet have been designed to protect the maritime trade routes in the South Atlantic region to serve the national interests.

The new CESM system will provide increased safety for the UK Navy’s crew members.

This capability is being installed to replace ageing Hammerhead system on the Type 23 ships.

Babcock has been supporting the old suite since the last six years to ensure low-risk transition.

Contract to install the Hammerhead suite was awarded by the UK Ministry of Defence to Babcock in November 2013. It was to replace the former Lighthouse CESM system.

Babcock recently announced the commencement of post-life extension (LIFEX) work on the Type 23 vessel HMS Argyll.