“Most crises and conflicts today have a cyber dimension,” NATO’s Secretary General warned in 2016, as he declared the internet an official war zone. With many critical systems now under threat, as was acutely demonstrated in the recent WannaCry attack, we find out what NATO is doing about it.

Also in this issue, we explore South Korea’s defence strategy and find out how the country is gearing up to become a technology exporter, ask what a £1.7bn upgrade plan means for the future of Scotland’s military bases, and hear from IT experts about the need to simplify military networks that have become overloaded with outdated legacy systems.

Plus, we take a look at the US Air Force’s efforts to develop stealth solutions for aerial refuelling tankers, and investigate the viability of supercavitating torpedoes in light of Russia’s most recent attempts to develop them.

In this issue

South Korea's Strategy
South Korea’s location and defence strategy has fostered domestic expertise and created a manufacturing sector that is projected to become a major exporter for new technology. Dr Gareth Evans takes a look at the country's defence priorities.
Read the article.

The Borders Have Shifted
“Most crises and conflicts today have a cyber dimension,” NATO’s Secretary General warned in 2016, as he declared the internet an official war zone. With many of our critical systems now under threat, as was acutely demonstrate in the recent WannaCry attack, Dr Gareth Evans finds out what NATO is doing about it.
Read the article.

Scotland’s Future
In February the UK Ministry of Defence approved £1.7bn to upgrade Scotland’s military bases as part of a programme that will bring sweeping changes to the Defence Estate around the UK. Claire Apthorp finds out where the money is going.
Read the article.

Keep it Simple
Many military networks have become overloaded with outdated legacy systems, which can create risks when a core part of a soldier’s job is being able to quickly process and act on the data they receive. SolarWinds CTO Joe Kim tells us how military IT professionals can simplify their networks.
Read the article.

Hiding the Big Birds
According to the US Air Mobility Command, the visibility of refuelling tankers poses risks to the stealth capabilities of fifth-generation fighter jets. Claire Apthorp looks into possible cloaking solutions for the force's biggest aircraft.
 Read the article.

Chasing Supercavitation
Supercavitation has intrigued military engineers for decades and while previous attempts have failed, the Russian Navy is once again working on developing a supercavitating torpedo. Dr Gareth Evans finds out whether the concept is viable.
Read the article.

Next issue preview

Autonomous vehicles, augmented reality systems and advanced wireless networks were among the 50 technologies showcased during the US Army and Marine Corps’ recent Ship-to-Shore exercise. With a focus on ship-to-shore manoeuvre, weapons fire support, clearing assault lanes, command and control, and information warfare, we ask what this exercise tells us about the future of littoral combat.

Also in the next issue, we take a look at Qinetiq’s electric hub-drive technology for armoured vehicles and review the strategic role of the F-35 in Europe now that training is well underway. Plus, we check in with a US Air Force pilot project testing a ‘smart base’ concept and look at the UK MoD’s efforts to improve the ‘last mile’ of troop resupply by drawing on the rapid progress of innovations such as delivery drones in the private sector.

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