
Here are two scenarios: in scenario one, Navy SEALs arrive at their objective silently, slipping in at night, but the SEALs are cold and exhausted from a long swim in frigid waters, having used vast amounts of oxygen in tanks, not what you want in starting a mission. They have little time to perform their duties ashore before they must begin the long swim back to their ship.

In scenario two, the SEALs arrive at their objective rested, sharp and at the top of their game. They have ample time to complete their mission, rather than being rushed
and tired.

The difference between those two scenarios lies in submersible craft that can carry personnel to shore underwater and unseen, swiftly and without major exertion. STIDD Systems offers submersibles that can whisk SEALs
smoothly and silently beneath the waves to enemy beaches. That means the SEALs are sharp, in shape and enjoying the best possible chance of success in operations at their objective.

By using submersibles, insertion of SOF personnel into a hostile area can be accomplished with their ship well offshore to escape enemy notice. The STIDD submersible, which can be of varying sizes, swiftly transports the personnel to shore. According to STIDD, its diver propulsion
device (DPD) “is the most widely used two man underwater mobility platform in the world.” Further, “the multi-role combat craft (MRCC) is the only craft of its kind that operates on the surface and while submerged,” according to STIDD.

“The DPD and MRCC, used either separately or together as a modular submersible platform, offer the unique combination of both surface and underwater capabilities, providing maritime forces unprecedented options for mission planning and execution.”

STIDD submersibles provide greatly enhanced capabilities to SOF and marine units, the company stated. With far greater speed than the personnel could attain by swimming on their own, using a submersible confers several benefits:

  • The faster the movement to shore before the operation, and the faster the extraction from the hostile area after the mission is accomplished, the less chance there is for special operations to be detected by the enemy
  • While SEALs are highly powerful swimmers, a long swim from ship to objective can be exhausting. A STIDD submersible obviates the need for that exertion
  • Cold water can be numbing. But with a submersible, the time spent in possibly frigid water is slashed, so that personnel are in peak shape when they begin operations
  • The faster personnel arrive at the littoral area, the longer they can spend there

Submersibles also aid personnel in carrying possibly weighty ordnance, such as in a mission to sink enemy ships in harbor. Or they might be headed into an enemy harbor to disable defensive systems such as mines or sonar systems.
Another point is that submersibles permit personnel on intelligence and reconnaissance missions to cover more
territory as they scout underwater in nearshore areas.