
As the Covid-19 virus continues to cause disruption around the globe, companies are discussing ways to keep people safe and protected. From routine handwashing to self-quarantine, communities and organisations are taking active measures to avoid the spread of the virus.

The growth of remote-access software and VPNs has enabled organisations to facilitate remote working without disruption. However, what happens to those in high-pressure environments who need secure, direct or BIOS-level access to the systems they are managing?

In times such as these, businesses around the world rely on cloud-based and virtualised systems to facilitate working from home policies. From the front-end, staff can gain instant remote-access to their most-used programmes and applications.

Behind the scenes at cloud-based software providers such as AWS, Google and IBM Cloud, are vast teams of data centre operators managing the millions of data feeds and servers required to deliver near-infinite amounts of information to millions of organisations around the world.

As businesses around the globe revisit their business continuity plans and strategise the potential need to deploy traditionally office-based staff to work from home, it is guaranteed that at least part of their IT infrastructure will be cloud-based. It is often mission-critical that they can access the data they need and collaborate with colleagues and customers as if working in the office as normal.

Those home workers need to know they can access all they need and it is down to the unseen heroes that work tirelessly behind the scenes to keep the data centre’s light on.

But what if data centre managers, control room operators or healthcare professionals need to work from home? How do they guarantee instant, real-time access to critical data resources?

Hospital staff working at the heart of the fight against Covid-19 must be able to provide exceptional levels of patient care while protecting themselves. They need fast, reliable and secure access to patient and prescription data, which is more than likely being stored on computers in a sterile environment or imaging room away from the isolation ward.

For those operating nuclear power plants or energy farms, remote working is not an option. The world is relying on their output to keep the lights on, which in turn is relying on the day-to-day, manual management of computer systems and technology. IT maintenance and engineering operators in these environments must have real-time BIOS-level access to the systems they need at any given time.

Throughout many other industries, there are staff working tirelessly on the front-line to protect communities, deliver services to critical applications and ensure that everyday life functions as normally as possible despite the worldwide outbreak – but what is the technology that is making this all possible?

That’s where KVM comes in, specifically, high-performance IP KVM.

High-performance IP KVM can afford mission-critical organisations new or improved ways of working in times when businesses are trying to protect staff. Unlike the plethora of software solutions that might be considered, KVM provides access to computers without exposing the computer to the public internet and without installing software.

By using an existing IP network, KVM technology allows staff to gain real-time BIOS-level access to critical computers from anywhere in the world. It gives data center managers the ability to access, manage and control physical or virtual servers from any location.

For workers operating production plants, that could be manufacturing in-demand items such as alcohol gel or protective clothing, IP KVM gives them reliable, instant and real-time access to the essential digital interfaces on the production line from a safe and protected location. The technology allows doctors to review CAT scan results or access patient records wherever they are located.

KVM does not just give users remote desktop access to critical computers. It enables them to access the PC as though they were connected locally. IP KVM is protecting businesses around the world so they can support others.

Through the use of hardware-based remote access products such as the ADDERLink ipeps range, users can gain access to their critical computers via public or private WAN connection.

Most critically, products in the ADDERLink ipeps range do not require any software to be installed on the computer or for the computer itself to be exposed to a public network.