The Analog Radar is apparently not dead….
By popular demand we have released a new version of the RSCC / PRIB series of analog signal decoders / distribution nodes. The design is based on the very popular ScanStreamer / DeStreamer design, ensuring excellent reliability, and will be available in multiple form factors. The first customer specific version has already been shipped, which is a very accurate radar signal simulator. Other versions available are:
– Radar Signal Converter
– Radar Signal Splitter
– Pre-Trigger Generator for Solid State & LAN based Radars
– Pre-Trigger Combiner
– Gigabit Ethernet to RS422 NMEA / AIS / ADS-B (Very low latency, 8+8 channels)
– RS422 NMEA / AIS / ADS-B to Gigabit Ethernet (Very low latency, 8+8 channels)