SAES limpet naval mine (MILA)

The integration of the Limpet Naval Mine of SAES (S.A. Electrónica Submarina) in the JFD Hybrid Swimmer Delivery Vehicle named Seal Carrier has been successfully performed this week, demonstrating the versatility of MILA and the wide range of features and equipment that can provide the SEAL vehicles.

MILA is a smart limpet mine designed to be used for Special Forces that incorporates a detonation system controlled by a computer. It can be attached to the hull by a diver or be used as a demolition charge.

Its conical shape and low weight in water endows the mine with a low hydrodynamic resistance, being easy to carry by divers. The limpet mine has successfully passed an environmental test and extensive sea trials with excellent results against still targets of 12, 24 and 36 mm thickness. MILA is available in exercise (reusable and inert) and combat versions.

The Seal Carrier is a hybrid Swimmer Delivery Vehicle, which provides Special Forces with high speed transit on surface (30+ kts with a range of 150 NM) and stealth insertion and extractions capabilities in submerged mode (5kts with a range of 15+ NM).

The two companies are expert in sea and subsea surveillance and protection.

SAES is specialised in underwater acoustics and electronics and provides advanced equipment and systems for undersea security and defence.

With more than 25 years’ experience in the naval industry, SAES offers high technology and custom solutions in the military and civilian markets. These include sonars, acoustic classification and intelligence systems, ASW systems for air or naval platforms, underwater signatures measurement and control, multi-influence naval mines and simulation and training systems.

JFD´s vehicles primarily exist to facilitate the insertion and extraction of special operations forces and equipment. In this role, their use allows for greater stand-off from surface ships and submarines.

The vehicles have further application in the maritime littoral space. These include specialist maritime operations, mine countermeasures, counter-terrorism, counter-narcotics, counter-piracy and maritime protection operations.