For TV satellite systems on ships or in trains, busses and camping vehicles with automatic tracking function, which follow a satellite even when the vehicle is moving, SPINNER offers a cost-efficient version of RF rotary joints. Further fields of application are conceivable, such as swivel camera systems (CCTV), professional GPS systems with infinite angle of rotation, or the connection of mobile antennas through a miniature cable drum.
All applications benefit from the advantages of the rotary joint, which also ensures a stable electrical contact during the rotation movement. It is basically maintenance-free and renders the continuous cable connections unnecessary which would limit the angle of rotation and suffer from fatigue. The SPINNER miniature rotary joint family meets the demanding requirements and offers a most compact design and a large choice of shapes and connector types. In order to flexibly respond to customer needs SPINNER offers several cable lengths and connector types (F, MMCX, SMA…) for adaptation to the customer’s systems.
The rotary joints are coaxial rotary joints working on the basis of contact. They are available in three different shapes, I, L, and U, with an impedance of either 50 or 75 ohms.
Their frequency range is between 0 and 2.15 GHz, thus making them suitable for use in the most diverse fields of application.
In addition to the RF signal the rotary joint can also transmit DC voltage, eg for power supply. The most compact design ensures that the insertion loss is mainly defined by the type and length of cable in use, and not by the rotary joint itself.