
From September 20-22, SENER participated in the 15th edition of the International Conference on Computer Applications in Shipbuilding (ICCAS) the most important event of this area in shipbuilding that takes place every two years. Trieste has been the venue for the 2011 edition, organised by the Royal Institution of Naval Architects with a great international participation.

In this edition SENER has presented four technical papers during the conferences. The first one titled: ‘Advanced CAD – PLM Integration in a Naval Shipbuilding Environment’ was presented by Carlos González, who showed that naval shipyards are implementing PLM Systems and how the key factor in the success of the implementation is the integration between the shipbuilding CAD System and the PLM. He presented the advanced architecture for CAD-PLM integration in a naval shipbuilding environment focused in the CAD/CAM FORAN.

The second paper was written in collaboration with NAVANTIA, the Spanish company devoted to the design and production of naval vessels and submarines, as main activities. The paper titled: ‘The Electrical Design in a highly demanding environment’ was presented by Antonio Valderrama from SENER in collaboration with Alfonso Olmos from NAVANTIA. The paper describes how a CAD solution, and specifically FORAN, copes with the huge amount of data that the most advanced non-nuclear submarine needs for its electrical design, and enumerates some of the improvements that the system has incorporated as tailored developments for such specific vessel.

The third paper of SENER was titled ‘Efficient design of outfitting & machinery spaces’, presented by Rafael de Góngora, who explained how new circumstances have obliged designers of outfitting and machinery spaces to improve their working procedures, tools, organisation and scope of supply and explained that CAD/CAM should cover for allowing an efficient design of outfitting & machinery spaces and particularly the FORAN solution.

Finally, the four paper of SENER was titled: ‘Integrated Development Environment in Shipbuilding Computer Systems’, presented by Alfonso Cebollero who described the dilemma of the software houses of what they should develop to meet some especially demanding requirements: either new built-in commands or toolkits for users -or third-parties- to customize the common system. The paper also reviews the key features that an integrated development environment should include.